Tail End Planning

Lake Chapala, Jalisco, Mexico

Our Mission Is To Raise Awareness About the Need to Plan for Our Pets

if you have pets it’s a question you have probably asked yourself at one time or another, at least briefly. But all too often we don’t follow through with a plan. We assume a spouse or friend will handle it. Or perhaps we think it won’t happen to us or we think we have plenty of time to figure it out. We are ...

Every year in the United States 690,000 dogs and cats are euthanized when their owners pass away. If you don’t have a plan, someone else gets to decide where your pet ends up. At Lake Chapala Mexico where we started this program, your pet could be abandoned to the street and be in competition with other dogs and ...

Yes, our pets are a big part of our lives, but we are their entire life. We owe it to them to provide a safe, warm and happy place to live when we can’t do it, for whatever reason!

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  • 24/7 availability